Window Shopping – Montecarlo, Monaco

Demos uma sumidinha mas já estamos de volta!

O post de hoje é sobre a maioria de nós mortais, que ama namorar as vitrines das lojas chiques e sonha com um dia de Pretty Woman pra poder entrar e comprar tudo…

Eu fui fazer turismo em Mônaco e fiquei impressionada com a “chiquesa” do lugar:

Today´s post is about the major part of us mortals, that love to window shop and dream about a Pretty Woman day to go inside the stores and buy it all…

I went to Monaco and was impressed by the fanciness of the place:

As vitrines da Chanel estavam decoradas com a coleção pre-fall Paris-Bombay.

Chanel’s windows were decorated with the Paris-Bombay pre-fall collection.

As da Hermés eram lindas, um sonho mesmo!! As echarpes e toalhas pareciam que estavam flutuando:

The Hermés’ ones were dreamy!! The scarves and towels looked as if they were floating on air:

As vitrines da Lanvin eram super originais, tudo decorado como se fosse um show de mágica. Tinha até um manequim pendurado como se estivesse levitando em uma caixa de espelhos:

The Lanvin’s windows were super original, everything decorated as if it was part of a magic show. There was even a hanged mannequin as if it was levitating inside a mirror box:

Por fim a da Sonia Rykiel. Era mais simples mas o contraste do fundo com as roupas brancas não deixou a desejar!

The last one was Sonia Rykiel’s. It was the most down-to-earth one, but the contrast between the background and the white clothes was flawless!

Sonhar é de graça, não é?

Dreaming is free, right?